Cure Macular Degeneration Through Nutrition

macdegenarationnutritionMacular degeneration is an age-related, chronic eye disease, affecting the eye sight of millions of Americans over age 50. Will nutrition be the way to cure macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration doesn’t cause blindness, but it can reduce central vision, making it hard to read, drive or recognize faces. In some cases it can lead to severe vision loss.

There are two types of macular degeneration, dry and wet. Dry macular degeneration, is the most common with about 90 percent diagnosed. Wet macular degeneration is a more severe progression of the disease that’s accompanied by blood vessel leakage.

Although good therapies exist now for wet macular degeneration, there’s no FDA approved cure for either dry or wet macular degeneration.

Many health practitioners and preliminary research find the following nutritional resources may prevent or even cure macular degeneration. Most mainstream doctors and researchers suggest a combination of these nutrient and lifestyle changes in addition to any regular treatment.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins A, C, E – high doses of antioxidants work together protecting the eyes from developing degeneration. Beware, too much vitamin A or E can be toxic, so consult with your doctor first.

Zinc, Selenium – People who have higher levels of antioxidants in their blood, tend to have lower incidents of eye damage. The retina has two important enzymes that need zinc for vision.

Omega-3 fatty acids, co-enzyme Q10 – Many studies have found a diet rich in “Good fatty acids” can reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

Leafy Green Vegetables – Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants found in high concentrations in spinach, collard greens, and kale. They protect the retina from sunlight damage.


Quit Smoking – cigarette smoke doubles the risk of macular degeneration and is the single most preventable cause.

Lose Weight – Carrying excess weight invites more than double the risk of progression of early macular degeneration to more severe stages.

Manage Blood Pressure – Cardiovascular diseases increase risk. This includes stroke, angina, heart attack and coronary artery disease.

Sunlight Exposure – Although the retina receives a small percentage of ultraviolet light, some experts feel that long-term exposure may increase risk. This risk remains controversial, but wearing UV protected sunglasses for light-colored eyes may be advisable.


Ginkgo Biloba – According to small, clinical trials, may help treat early-stage macular degeneration.
Goji Berries – A rich source of zeaxanthin, which when consumed concentrates in the macular pigment of the eye and may protect the retina.
Bilberry – Act as antioxidants and benefit the retina. Bilberry supplements theoretically would treat early-stage macular degeneration. Bilberry has also been shown to strengthen capillaries which could reduce bleeding in the retina.

With the growing interest in anti-aging, many of the above will be recognized as standard advice for the case of antioxidants and lifestyle changes to decrease the ravages of time. Only time and experience will tell if age-related conditions have the same base in cure.
With your personal health practitioner as a guide, you may use nutrition to cure macular degeneration, or at least prevent it. Refer your doctor to individual herbs about any side effects or interactions.

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