Get Her To Like You

Everybody needs to be liked.  It’s a life fact.  Men, in particular, like to be liked by the females of the world.  Being liked isn’t necessarily the easiest thing in the world—it comes naturally to some, but not to everyone.  Some people, a lot of people, need to work pretty hard at it.  In sum, you want to get her to like you.  We’ve got some tips!  Plenty of them.  So let’s hop to it.

You want to be liked?  Start out by looking pretty good.  You don’t have to have natural good looks, just clean cut, well dressed, and polished looks.  First impressions are extremely important so make sure you make it count when you make it.  Even if you aren’t fantastic looking, people immediately take notice to someone who takes care of themselves.  So take care of yourself.

But good looks don’t make people like you (looking at you Tom Cruise).  It’s the personality that does it.  You need to make sure that you show off your best traits. Be  friendly, and smile a lot.  You have to listen politely, say polite things, and all around just be a nice guy.

Pro-tip: Be really nice to any wait staff, servers, bar tenders that sort of deal.  It’s crucial to coming off as not fake.  So don’t fake it.

Not to make prep some canned laughs, but it’s a good call to have your humor game on.  Make sure that your wit is acerbic and your jokes are fresh.  If you’re ugly, humor might be your only shot—take it from me.  It’s worth a shot!

Reverse Strategy: Okay, now I’m going to go ahead and flip it on you.  Up until now, I’ve suggested that you dress well and act really nice and make light jokes and smile a lot.  Women like nice guys, but women LOVE bad dudes.  Leather jackets and shit like that.  Maybe you should up your badass game.  Spit some tough guy shit.  It’s healthy to show that side of you if you have it.  Look how Charlie Sheen turned out.

Get her to like you.  It shouldn’t be too hard if you watch a couple episodes of the Pick-Up Artist and maybe a Steve McQueen movie.  Do your research and try it out at the bar.  You’ve got infinite practice on your hands so just go out and do it!


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